SMF “Prodecologia”, together with our partner company Ateco, will participate in the Green Technology Expo “Ecomondo 2023”.
We invite you to visit our booth at the Rimini Expo Centre on 7-10 November 2023 (Rimini, Italy).
At the exhibition a universally applicable electrostatic separator for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties will be demonstrated.
It will be possible to conduct test separation of your materials if required.
SMF “Prodecologia” will participate in the the international exhibition for environmental and waste management “Pollutec 2023”.
We invite you to visit our booth H3-A185 at the Lyon Eurexpo on 10-13 October 2023 (Lyon, France).
At the exhibition a universally applicable electrostatic separator for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties will be demonstrated.
It will be possible to conduct test separation of your materials if required.
SMF “Prodecologia” will participate in the Exhibition and Conference “E-Waste World Conference and Expo 2023”.
We invite you to visit our booth June 28-29 at the Messe Exhibition and Convention Centre (Frankfurt, Germany).
At the exhibition it will be demonstrated the universally applicable electrostatic separator EBS-U-27/7.5 for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties.
If required it will be possible to conduct test separation of their materials.
SMF “Prodecologia” will participate in the The international exhibition for plastics recycling “Plastics Recycling World Expo 2023”.
We invite you to visit our booth at the Messe Essen on June 14-15, 2023 (Essen, Germani).
At the exhibition it will be demonstrated the universally applicable electrostatic separator EBS-U-27/7.5 for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties.
If required it will be possible to conduct test separation of their materials.
SMF “Prodecologia”, together with our partner for the sale of equipment in Spain, company Recovery S.A., will participate in the 20th National FER Congress (Spanish Federation of Recovery and Recycling).
We invite you to visit our booth at the Hotel Don Carlos on June 7-9, 2023 (Marbella, Spain).
SMF “Prodecologia” will participate in the 27th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing “Plastpol 2023”.
We invite you on May 23-26, 2023 to visit our booth in the exhibition center Kielce Fairground (Kielce, Poland).
At the exhibition it will be demonstrated universally applicable electrostatic separator for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties.
If required it will be possible to conduct test separation of their materials.
НВФ “Продекологія” прийме участь у Міжнародній виставці-конференції по переробці та утилізації пластику “Plastics Recycling Show Europe 2023”.
Запрошуємо Вас 10 та 11 травня 2023 року відвідати наш стенд в виставковому центрі Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre (м. Амстердам, Нідерланди).
На виставці демонструватиметься універсальний електростатичний сепаратор для сухого розділення сумішей пластиків та металів (гуми), та інших матеріалів, за електричними властивостями .
Бажаючі матимуть можливість провести тестову сепарацію привезених матеріалів.
From 15 to 18 December, 2022 SMF “Prodecologia”, together with our partner company First Mining, participated in the 10th International Mining, Tunneling, Machinery Equipment and Heavy Duty Vehicles Fair Mining Türkiye 2022 (Maden_Turkiye).
At the exhibition it was demonstrated laboratory equipment for dry separation and beneficiation of ore materials: universal electrostatic separator, drum magnetic separator and roller belt magnetic separator.
On 19-26, 2022, SMF “Prodecologia” participated in the International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber “K’2022”.
At the exhibition it was demonstrated universally applicable electrostatic separator for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties.
It was possible to conduct test separation of brought materials for those wishing.
November4and5, 2021 SMF “Prodecologia” participated in the Exhibition and Conference for the European Plastics Recycling Industry“Plastics Recycling Show Europe 2021” (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
At the exhibition it was presented NEW PRODUCT of SMF “Prodecologia” – NIR-separator «Sterkh». Separator is designed for sorting multicomponent polymer mixtures by type using near-infrared radiation.
It was demonstrated the universal electrostatic separator for dry separation of mixtures of plastics and metals (rubber) and other materials according to their electrical properties.
It was possible to conduct test separation of brought materials for those wishing.
електричні (електростатичний коронний та трибоелектричний) сепаратори для сухого розділення сумішей пластмас та металів, а також різних сумішей полімерів;
NIR сепаратор “Sterkh” для сортування багатокомпонентних сумішей полімерів за типами з використанням випромінювання ближнього інфрачервоного діапазону;
сепаратор легкої фракції для видалення плівок та знепилення сипких продуктів за допомогою повітряного потоку;
магнітні сепаратори для розділення сумішей різних матеріалів на магнітні та немагнітні.