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Drum magnetic separator BS (D=200-400mm)

Designed for refinement of bulk materials from magnetic impurities….

Plate magnetic separator PN-А

Designed for extracting magnetic impurities and accidental metal objects (screws, nuts, etc.) automatically from bulk materials transported by the conveyor belt.

WEEE recycling line

Complex line designed for crushing and sorting of scrap of electronic equipment (copier cartridges, electronic circuit boards, etc.) on plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Complex line for sorting of domestic wastes

Complex line designed for sorting of industrial waste into individual components: paper, glass, organics, wood, metals, plastic for further processing.

Tunnel metal detector DМТ2C

Designed for detecting accidental metal contamination in different products in order to control the quality of products and protect the process equipment from damage.

Eddy current magnetic separator VS

Designed for extracting non-ferrous metals from non-conductive materials.

Pulley magnetic separator SH

Designed for extraction ferromagnetic impurities from the bulk material transported by the conveyor belt….