Questionnaire of technological and engineering works

We suggest you to fill the questionnaire for forming the most optimal technical and commercial proposition.

    1. Characteristics of material

    1.1 Name
    1.2 Mineralogical (real) structure*
    1.3 Grade composition
    1.4 Chemical composition*
    1.5 Wetness, %
    1.6 Temperature, С°
    1.7 Bulk density, t/m³
    1.8. Name and mass fraction of useful component, %
    1.9. Name and mass fraction of contaminants, %

    2. Characteristics of the process

    2.1 Capacity (expected), t/h
    2.2 Number of enrichment rounds (expected)
    2.3 Number of enrichment products
    2.4 Requirements for content of useful component/contaminants, %
    2.4.1. Into marketable product useful component, % / contaminants, %

    2.4.2. Into tailings useful component, % / contaminants, %

    2.5. Expected yield, %
    2.5.1. Of marketable product
    2.5.2. Of tailings

    * - to be enclosed with an examination paper.

    In case of Customer absence such kind of data, SMF “Prodecologia” will arrange mineralogical, chemical or other exploring to makeup composition of row material at the cost of Customer.
    In case of Custom's failure to carry out such kind of studies, SMF “Prodecologia” makeup only test studies with raw material with the Standard Practice on existing equipment.
    The Customer is informed about possibility of developing more effective technology or equipment after signing relevant Contract.
    Customer information

    City, country
    The contact person (full name, position )