Questionnaire for water clarifier-mud collector

We suggest you to fill the questionnaire for forming the most optimal technical and commercial proposition.

    1. Characteristics of water

    1.1 Purpose (economical, technical, production needs, etc.)
    1.2 Normative document
    1.3 Source of water supply(urban network, open waters, underground waters)

    1.4 Temperature of water, С°
    1.5 рН

    2. Characteristics of impurities

    2.1 Impurities presence (weighted material), mg/l
    2.2 Impurities origin (dross, scale, clay, organics, odd items, etc.)

    2.3 Dimensions (maximal and minimal), mm
    2.4 Metal presence (total), mg/l
    2.5 Admissible impurities presence, mg/kg (%)

    3. Characteristics of the process

    3.1 Productivity, m3/h
    3.2 Arbitrary diameter of supplying pipeline, Dу, mm
    3.3 Operation pressure in the pipeline, MPa
    3.4 Maximal pressure in the pipeline, MPa
    3.5 Admissible pressure loss after installation of ОМ(М), kPa

    4. Characteristics of the place of installation

    4.1 Name of system (water, heating, cooling, reverse water supply, etc.)

    4.2 Place of installation in the system
    4.3 Equipment under protection

    5. Characteristics of operation conditions

    5.1 Temperature of environment, С°
    5.2 Humidity of environment, %
    5.3 Drawing of the place of installation, *

    * - еdrawing of the place of installation and other additional documents of request e-mail. e-mail.

    Customer information

    City, country
    The contact person (full name, position )